Wednesday 29 September 2010

The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative Pisces, Jesus man.

via kurt cobain news
"It's better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you're not....."                          -Kurt Cobain 

Bargain hunter indeed

£140 on

Now the Diana F+ camera is all mine.........I can't wait :)

However, I have seen some beautiful extra add-ons I now want, like lomography fotoclipsinstant back and name a few.

Lomography Diana F+ Deluxe Kit

Me wanty:

Includes: Diana F+, Diana Flash, hotshoe adaptor, cable release collar and cable release, Diana back and 4 masks for 4 kinds of film, viewfinder adapter, universal viewfinder, fisheye viewfinder, splitzer multiple exposure tool, 20mm fisheye lens, 38mm super-wide lens, 55mm wide-angle and close-up lens, 110mm telephoto lens, and ‘Diana Vignettes’ hardcover photo book.

for £185 via (£35 cheaper than in urban outfitters!)
I must have it!

I checked out a few reviews first (of course) seeing as it's a big wedge of my student loan and I'm sold. I was thinking of getting a digital SLR as "an investment", but I like the idea of having different cameras that take different kinds of pictures. Plus, I'm a big fan of lomography or anything that can bring nostalgia. 

Monday 27 September 2010




I need a hug from a particular person.

The Art of Motion

Between You and Me - dir. by Patryk Rebisz

How to: has lots of useful information for wannabe stop-motion animators. I think I'll be spending a lot of time reading.....

But, the basic steps are:

1... Capture Frames using a framegrabber/digital camera

2... Edit your footage and add any effects, titles, sound and music using standard video editing software

3... compress using video compression software

4... post it online or output to video

I love stop motion from chloe fleury on Vimeo.

Cocorosie - Promise

Promise-cocorosie from chloe fleury on Vimeo.

Shit Ain't Pretty

Post Secret

via post secret. I really like the idea of this blog; a collection of people's secrets. Maybe I'll send something day.

Bunny and the Bull

Everyone should watch Bunny and the Bull at least one time in their life. It's gone straight into favourite films list :)

Yep, that's me...

Sunday 26 September 2010

via bluquote


stop motion cassette tape full version.wmv

Cassette stop motion

Mix tape :)

I would quite like to use mix tapes in a stop-motion animation....

Break MTV Ident

Making Of... Moray McLaren - We Got Time

Ford Fiesta "This Is Now" ad by Ogilvy Advertising London

A very personal concept

I found this rather interesting article about HAVING IT ALL. Isn't that what everyone wants? I know I do.

But what is "it all" to me? 

Busy Hand - Handmade Moment Contest Submission

Camera Camera Case

This is sooooo cute. I just love it, the colour scheme, the little creature, the scrabble letters :)

Mr. Squid's Handmade Moment - 3rd Runner Up - Handmade Moment Contest Su...

Maybe I could do a stop-motion video of something crafty?

Some ideas I've had:

  • Make it look like the object is making itself.
  • Have the sewing needles and threads etc moving around when I'm not looking. 
  • Sew a picture
  • Graffiti a photograph of someone I don't particularly like with embroidery (hate is too strong a word)
  • Have the objects spelling out words

Balloon Tunes 1

Owwwww! Clever, but owwwww!

hello le monde!

by Fab & Marie

OK Go - End Love - Official Video

Hey Yo Square Eyes - Tiger Force! and Nous Vous Collective!

The Seed

Saturday 25 September 2010

Human Skateboard

Stop motion with candles (pac man,space invaders, tetris...)

A simple idea, yet quite effective. To be honest, I'd like to make something better than this.....

T-SHIRT WAR!! (stop-motion music video)

Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie

Pancakes II: Pancakes for your face

My good friend Mark Jones found this little gem for me.......funny twat. I'm hungry.

The Original Human SPACE INVADERS Performance

This idea is so simple, yet so effective. I even like the noises :)

The Original Human TETRIS Performance by Guillaume Reymond

Scrabble by PES

Fireworks by PES

Game Over by PES

Cake Countdown by PES

Western Spaghetti by PES

Hello, you.

I've decided to start a new blog.

A fresh start and all that......